Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

We have Right to participated

The Achievement and development of the 2008 KOMPIP’s Program

KOMPIP Undertook the program that was related to rumours of the promotion of democracy in the local level and good governance as well as rumours of the humanitarian aid.

Rumours of the Promotion of Democracy in the local level went since the KOMPIP founding. Various small achievements in the local level, national but also international was passed by KOMPIP during the last 8 years. The achievement in part :

1. KOMPIP joined thousands of poor and marginal communities in three cities, Surakarta, Sragen and Boyolali.

2. KOMPIP facilitated innovasi space of the resident's participation, like:

a. the existence of plans of the regional regulation partsipasi

b. The practice of the involvement of local senate open meeting,etc

3. KOMPIP took Forabi received Participatory award in the year 2004. award was given by USAID, DEPDAGRI and DEPKEU

4. KOMPIP the success prevented the occurrence of the mobilisation of the small vendors with the violence for 1000 Banjarsari small vendors to Notoharjo market.

5. KOMPIP the success facilitated the movement watch dog Formas so as 2,5 billion retired funds of the senate's local service could be returned to the regional treasury.

6. KOMPIP became National Secretary of KAUKUS 17 ++

7. The KOMPIP activist joined to IOC AEPY V at Hanoi dan Finlandia

8. KOMPIP became Associate Harvard University by being invited of the KOMPIP staff in Bridge Builder Conference, the innovation sharing meeting for the community Asian Africa and Latin America

Rumours of the humanitarian aid also became the developing part was enough to advance since the beginning of the KOMPIP interest in Earthquake casualties in Klaten and DIY

KOMPIP since 2006 played a role in an effort to alleviate earthquake casualties. The small note from the activity in helping earthquake casualties in part :

1. The sending 1125 volunteers to Klaten and Bantul

2. Built community savings in 126 comunities in Klaten and Bantul

3. Built 305 framework houses in Klaten

4. Carried out the increase in the capacity about the earthquake preceptive house. Up to December 2008 was hoped for kompip will be finished gave to approximately 1600 families more that was in two villages in Klaten , they are Ngering Village and Titang Village.

KOMPIP at this time undertook 3 programs, are:

1. The Aid program for 3 the resident forums with ford foundation.

2. Griyo Lestari II program with CARE-INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA

3. Educational and the health advocacy program with ITPI-NOVIB

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